1. forceR::classifier
  2. forceR::df.all
    Simulated Force Measurements with Taxonomic Info.
  3. forceR::df.all.200
    Simulated Time Series - e.g. Bite Force Measurements
  4. forceR::df.all.200.tax
    Simulated Force Measurements with Taxonomic Info.
  5. forceR::models
    Polynomial Models Describing Average Peak Shapes.
  6. forceR::peaks.df
    Starts and Ends of the 5 Strongest Peaks
  7. forceR::peaks.df.100.avg
    Average Peak Shapes per Species
  8. forceR::peaks.df.norm
    Normalized Peak Shapes
  9. forceR::peaks.df.norm.100
    Normalized Peak Shapes with 100 Observations